Saturday, March 21, 2009

New eBook on Psychological Marketing

I'm currently editing our newest eBook. The working title is: The Language of Yes - how to frame and phrase your message to influence and inspire people to say YES!

Phew! That's a long title. But, the content is superb. I've been writing about psychological marketing since about 1991. That’s also when I began teaching people how to use psychology in their marketing. I learned the tools of the trade from writing stacks and stacks of direct response programs. From them, I learned what works and what doesn't - all in the school of day-to-day hard knocks as the head writer for JCPenney.

Then, I began to study psychology very seriously. That was about ten years of daily learning. So, when I talk about linguistic structures, language patterns and mental filters, I know what I’m talking about.

I also learned that most copywriters don't have a clue how to use psychology in their writing. They're more interested creating in a catchy pun than slipping past the reader's mental filters.

Truth Frame. Here's an example of a little-known technique. I call it the Truth Frame. At the beginning of your marketing piece, say three things that are undeniably true. Just three things that are simple and obviously true. Then, link them back to you. That's it. In this way, your reader starts off by dropping all red flags and extending trust to you. Thus, you just slipped past mental filters and entered the mental kingdom.

If you like this type of information, please let me know. Just send me an email, and I'll personally send you a list of the most powerful and persuasive words ever assembled. Be sure to say you found me on this blog. Write to me at:

-- Michael

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